This image captures a comb of brood from a diseased honey bee colony in a way not previously available to the general public. For those new to beekeeping, or apprehensive about opening up a hive, this panorama, and others like it, can be used to teach beekeepers disease identification and bee biology.
Taking images of the honey bee frames provide a unique and interactive tool by which bee biology and brood disease identification could be delivered. On this frame there are many examples of both healthy and unhealthy brood, and properly tagged individual diseased larvae can serve as a revolutionary educational tool.
Regulation of the Beekeeping Industry
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
The CHC is the national association of beekeepers representing 7,500 apiculturists across Canada.
Visit the website to read or subscribe to our national magazine Hivelights for classifieds, articles and our free monthly newsletter.
Discover the essential role bees play in the pollination of many Canadian food crops such as blueberries and apples, as well as to the production of honey and many other by-products, while you explore the role and the tools of the beekeeper.
American Bee Journal magazine, established in 1861 by Samuel Wagner, specializes in beekeeping education, beekeeping classes & events, as well as beekeeping history.
Bee Culture, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping, is designed for beginning, hobby and commercial beekeepers who what the latest information on the science and art of keeping bees.
The Apis Newsletter continues to be published monthly via this ezine, and includes a monthly summary (gleanings) from the content of each month's Bee Culture.
Beekeeping information Journal. BeeCraft Journal UK - Beekeepers Directory of Courses on Beekeeping. Beecraft is a medal wining, full colour monthly beekeeping magazine with a wealth of in depth articles on beekeeping, bee news and a wide variety of beekeeping information.
Bee Maid Honey markets, over one desk, the entire volume of the Honey Co-Ops of Western Canada. There is no other honey company in Canada that sources all its honey from its owners.
The film More Than Honey used mini-helicopters and high-speed cameras to capture this extraordinary video of the inflight mating of a virgin queen bee.